Wasatch Community Foundation Introduction
April 30, 2020
From Dallin Koecher, Executive Director of Heber Valley Tourism/Economic Development/Chamber of Commerce:
“Wasatch County is experiencing unprecedented economic challenges. Recent unemployment numbers show Wasatch County at an astounding 17.5% unemployment. This represents over 2,800 people and families out of work. Our hardest hit sector by far are those in leisure and hospitality. Wasatch County’s economy has traditionally been very strong in tourism and hospitality and will be again, but in the meantime, there are many families in need who are struggling to make ends meet. The Heber Valley Chamber is very grateful for our residents who have contributed so much to organizations like the Wasatch Community Foundation. Without their assistance and help from the WCF many families would not have food to eat or a roof over their head. Please consider helping the Wasatch Community Foundation fulfill their mission of helping families in our community.”