Established in 2000, a group of dedicated volunteers formed Wasatch Community Foundation (WCF). The Foundation wanted to address various local needs, and help other non-profits streamline their efforts for fundraising. The concept “From the community, for the community” was born. Now, hundreds of donors help fund local projects that have been vetted and approved by our board of directors every month.
Today, Wasatch Community Foundation is a thriving 501c3, and one of the largest volunteer organizations in Heber Valley. Over the years, we’ve raised and donated millions of dollars and thousands of hours to well-deserving, organized projects right here in Heber Valley.
Our vision is to build an extraordinary community by enabling families to be happy and healthy. Our mission is to advance the well-being of Wasatch County residents by uniting community resources and programs through the following pillars: Human Services, Health, Education, Recreation, and Arts.